The Best Self Esteem Definition

To conquer low self-esteem, we must first know what the "self" is, or at least our own definition. Here are the definitions of ordinary people and will vary from person to person; self esteem definition seeking that is closest to your own description.

- Self-esteem is when I feel good.
- Living in my own values, beliefs and convictions.
- Self-esteem is the lack of self-loathing.
- You can be sure that I can achieve anything I set my mind.
- A state of complete and utter freedom. The freedom to choose to be myself.
- When I love and accept myself deeply and completely.

Now let's look at a counter for each definition of self-esteem in the list above and you can begin to see what low self esteem is.

- Self-esteem is when I feel bad about myself
- To live by the values, beliefs and convictions of another person
- Self-esteem is the presence of self-hatred
- No confidence in achieving anything
- A state of complete and utter restriction. Compliance with worldwide
- I do not like

If you or someone you know has a low self-esteem, which is based on one of the above or similar, but when it leads to low self esteem doing basically means "a low opinion of himself." You feel fault in you and your ability to cope with life experience and often this can be hidden by aggressive behavior and / or boastful.

Other symptoms include: often insulting others, fear of change, sensitivity to criticism, criticism of others, self-criticism, perfectionism, a constant need to prove themselves and impress others or etc etc there are many symptoms and people will hide behind bravado while feeling inside in a state of insecurity and panic.

They often feel they are the victim and that is someone else's fault or blame circumstances or environment in which they live or what they want but can not have a reason to feel so low. It's never their fault or their fault, and still spend most of the time they are caught in a cycle of disgust and pity himself, either obvious to others or not.

As you can see, the whole approach, when in a state of low self-esteem is what is wrong or what is to blame for the misfortune or circumstance is known and since most of what is stress, which is achieved. It becomes a habit and a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conquer low self-esteem and break the habit of changing your approach. It will not happen overnight. Habits are formed over a long period and have to train your mind to focus on what is good and right about his life rather than what is wrong. Whenever you feel that you are moving in a negative approach to the good things in your life. It could be as simple as the sun in the back on a summer day, the affection of a pet or the smell of roses in the spring.

Life can never be so miserable that joy is completely free; the habit of seeing the good in yourself and others. Get in the habit of seeing what is positive in your life and instead of feeling of lack and limitation. Feel the joy of being thankful and grateful, even if what you're experiencing is "real". Even if you are experiencing great difficulties have joy in the fact that it is temporary and your new home gives you a much better life.

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